Reading/Language Arts : Mimzy wrote about some of her favorite shows and manga in her journal this week, and also did worksheet pages I printed off the internet, which she found a lot of fun.
Math : Mimzy did several worksheets from the internet, and mixed math problems. We also studied the 7 times table all week.
Social Studies : We read the fable "The Fox and the Stork", and learned that we must treat others as we wish to be treated. We discussed times when she had been treated well by others, and when she had been treated ill by others. She drew a picture of the fable in her journal.
Science : Continuing discussion about how animals communicate, we discussed how domestic animals express love, and the desire for food, water, and other necessities. She observed our cat through the day and journaled about how she communicated and showed affection.
Health : We discussed safety around electricity and during inclement weather, and she drew a picture of it in her journal.
Art : Lots of drawing for other subjects this week! We also did some Easter crafts.
Music : We spent a lot of time dancing this week, focusing on rhythm.
Reading/Language Arts : Mimzy spent time writing in her journal about various topics and did Star Wars workbooks this week.
Math : We focused on the 6 times table more, did mixed math, and pages from her workbook.
Social Studies : We read the fable of the mouse and the Lion, and discussed how kindness can be rewarded. We discussed ways in which she had shown mercy in the past, and how it made her feel. We also discussed how others had shown kindness and mercy to her.
Science : This week we discussed how animals communicate with humans and with each other.She made a graph showing the Reason an animal was communicating, How the animal communicated, and what Senses were used to communicate.
Health : This week was a review week!
Art : This week we made rubber band bracelets and focused on color patterns.
Music : We focused on identifying instruments in orchestral music, especially the violin, which is her favorite.
Extra : The weather was nice (albeit squishy) so we spent a lot of time outside this week!
Reading/Language Arts : We did Star Wars workbooks, and writing in her journal. We've started focusing more on proper punctuation and capitalization.
Math : We did mixed problems in her journal and focused more on the 6 times table.
Social Studies : Continuing to focus on scarcity, this week Mimzy pretended she was given a magic wishing stone. She wrote a list of items she would wish for in her journal, getting quite creative with some of them. When she'd written down everything she could think of to wish for, I told her that she lost her wishing stone and could only keep one of the items that she had wished for. She then drew a picture of the item she chose (after much deliberation).
Science : We discussed what animals ate. She learned to identify carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores based on several identifying characteristics, such as build and the shape of the teeth. She then entered lists of various animals as we discussed them, identifying each by the food it ate.
Health : This week we discussed sharing resources in the community, such as waterways and parks. We went on a long walk around the neighborhood and talked about community responsibility to keep places clean and free of litter. We also discussed the phrase "leave only footprints."
Art : We continued learning about how to use geometric shapes to make patterns and designs for borders.
Music : Continuing the theme from last week's concert, we listened to orchestral versions of some of her favorite songs.
Extra : This was a Zoo week, so she had her monthly homeschool lessons there. She also learned that her team had won first place at her swim meet for the relay she participated in!
Reading/Language Arts : Mimzy did pages in her Star Wars workbooks, and entered writing into her journal.
Math : We started on the 6 times tables, and skip-counting by six, and she also did Star Wars workbooks.
Social Studies : Mimzy read the story "The Movement of the Lakota Sioux", and discussed scarcity. Then she drew two pictures, one in which the Sioux had everything they needed, one in which they did not. Then we did an exercise in which she had to think about things she had that she could live without, and things she could not.
Science : We explored ways in which animals and people could help each other. She made lists in her journal of come ways we could help each other, and thought of ways she could help animals in our area. (ie : picking up litter, making bird/squirrel feeders)
Health : We discussed decision making for the individual and the group, and made a journal entry about people who were responsible for making decisions.
Art : This week we explored color mixing and creating geometric borders.
Music : Mimzy went to see an orchestra perform music from some of her favorite series, including Harry Potter and Star Wars!