Math : Did several worksheets, including : counting money, telling time on an analog clock, filling in the missing numbers in subtraction, addition, multiplication, and a multiplication speed sheet. She also practiced reciting her 2, 5, 10, and 11 times tables and did once a day.
Social Studies : Read “Bridget of Ireland" and drew a picture relating to the story.
Science : This week we researched natural cycles some more, focusing on natural rhythms in nature. We discussed things that changed in each season (to plants, animals, weather, sunlight) and she drew a picture showing some differences visually.
Health : This week we discussed personal safety, including what to do if you're lost, both in crowded areas and in isolated areas.
Art : LOTS of drawing and coloring this week. Mimzy has really started to show great creativity and interest in her art.
Music : Continued learning recorder. She also spends lots of time every day learning new songs, singing, and dancing!
Craft : Continued learning to crochet. Mimzy hasn't made a scarf yet, but she has had a lot of fun making various jewelry items and "ropes". We also started collecting fallen leaves for later craft projects.
Extra : Karate lessons, Spanish lessons at Duolingo, and a trip to the Art Museum to see an exhibit on The Art of Video Games!
Way to go Mimzy! Keep up the good work! Hugs and kisses from Boogie, Manda and Dad