Friday, November 14, 2014

Week of 11/09/2014-11/15/2014

We had a rough week! Ear aches, migraines, vomiting, fever, colds ... you name it, someone in this house had it. So some things didn't get finished, but hopefully we'll be able to get back on track in the next week!

Reading/Language Arts : This week was a bit of a break week since no one was feeling well. Mimzy just read her own books for pleasure each night, no reporting necessary. We'll get back to Solomon Owl next week!

Math : We went over our 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 11 times tables, did mixed multiplication problems, and We also started on three-digit addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division word problems.

Social Studies : Mimzy identified the 7 continents and 5 oceans on a map and entered them into her journal. We played a game where we'd randomly pick a location and discuss what the climate would be like and how that would affect people's lifestyles. She located our continent and country, and we also discussed some places that she'd like the visit globally.

Science : We continued playing games with the animal flashcards we made last week. Mimzy picked a favorite animal (dolphins) and entered information about them along with pictures into her journal.

Health : We charted all the food Mimzy ate for one day, and the next day we discussed MyPlate. She colored in one MyPlate graph and we discussed some foods that belonged in each category, then we cut and pasted the foods she'd eaten the day before onto another MyPlate graph.

Art : Mimzy drew a beautiful picture of our family that was full of life and color!

Music : We practiced rhythm and learned the lyrics to several patriotic songs for Veterans Day, including The Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful.

Craft : We made necklaces using thread and beads.

Extra : Karate lessons, swim team, spanish lessons at Duolingo, as usual. She had her monthly homeschool day at the zoo this week. The topic this time was North America! Mimzy got to meet a screech owl and pet an opossom, among other things.

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