Friday, February 6, 2015

Week of 02/01/2015-02/07/2015

Apparently my car keys are hiding wherever the health book ended up .. again, I've scoured the house, and cannot find them. So we missed karate and swim all week due to lack of transportation. It was also my husband's birthday week!

Reading/Language Arts : Mimzy got to choose each day if she would like to write about something she watched/read, if she would like to copy down a poem, if she would like to write something original, or if she'd like to do some pages in her Star Wars Reading and Star Wars Writing books.

Math : Introduced the 4 times table and practiced mixed multiplication problems for the 3 and 4 tables. Did some pages in her Star Wars books. We also took turns measuring each other with the tape measure, and marked them on the walls.

Social Studies : A brief review of Natural, Human, and Capitol resources, she journaled about all three, offering examples of some in our everyday lives. 

Science : Discussed the differences between vertebrate and invertebrate animals at length, and journaled about it.

Health : More fun health games at! This week a game called "Food Flight", where she had to capture the healthy foods in order to feed a snowman. We also focused on staying active at home to make up for her lack of regular activities. 

Art : Since she did journal activities every day for reading, there were no scheduled arts, but of course she's always doing fun things on her own.

Music : Lots of dancing and singing together, and she played with several musical apps (piano and drum) creating her own songs.

Extra : Lots of birthday celebrations for her step-dad! 

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