Friday, January 30, 2015

Week of 01/25/2015-01/31/2015

Reading/Language Arts : We've had some battles with Mimzy about her reading, and so, to preserve her enjoyment of it, we decided to adjust her reading lessons away from Oak Meadow standards. Instead of reading the required reading, she is instead able to pick any book she wants and journal that. This week she chose Silverlicious to journal, and discussed her Hogwarts books with us each morning after reading them. With this method, I often found her sitting and reading aloud with her little brother, or choosing reading over playing games on her computer or tablet, so I'm quite pleased with the change thus far.

Math : We reviewed our times tables, and Mimzy also some pages in her Star Wars math book every day.

Social Studies : This week was Capital Resources in a story about Nansa : A Child of Mali. We also reviewed Natural Resources and Human Resources again, and after looking up where Ancient Mali was located, she made a list of capital resources and drew a beautiful picture of a mosque. 
Science : We discussed habitats, she did a lot of research online using National Geographic. She listed each habitat, along with some of it's features and animals (also adding her own note : what she'd most like to do there) and then drew a picture of each. 

Health : I still haven't found her Oak Meadow health book, after tearing apart the house. Sigh. So we used Easy Peasy again this week, playing more games through them, including one on sleep habits, and "Mission Nutrition".

Art : Heavy on journal activities, she also did her own report on the movie The Little Mermaid, including a summary of the story and some art.

Music : Lots of dancing time! We took time out of each day to just dance our hearts out, it was a lot of fun.

Craft :  Nothing major, much of her free time this week was spent (not) cleaning her room, unfortunately. 

Extra : Karate lessons and swim team this week along with lots of games. Splashmath, Tynker, etc. She had another swim meet, as well, and was 3 seconds faster on her backstroke!

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