Monday, February 16, 2015

Week of 02/08/2015-02/14/2015

Reading/Language Arts : Mimzy chose to copy down several poems into her reading journal, write one of her own, and did several pages in her Star Wars reading and writing workbooks.

Math : Star Wars math workbooks, online math play, reviewing 3 & 4 tables, and doing some speed sheets in subtraction!

Social Studies : We learned about silent trade in the Mali marketplace, read a story and journaled about it. We also practiced silent trade with several items.

Science : This week was all about cold and warm blooded animals! We watched several videos online, discussed what the perks and downfalls of each were, and wrote about them in her Science journal. Then she made lists of several of each type and drew pictures. 

Health : This week we studied anger management. She did a worksheet exploring her anger (how she felt, things she said) and discussed ways she could deal with it differently.

Art : We practiced origami, Mimzy painted with tempera paints, and did several other small crafts.

Music : We had fun singing the song from Potter's Puppet Pals on YouTube (The Mysterious Ticking Noise). It's a silly song, but was great for exploring timing, rhythm, and pitch.

Extra : Mimzy had her last swim meet this weekend, lost a tooth, and had her Homeschooling day at the zoo! She had a special assignment to do a "Creature Feature" for the zoo, and spent a lot of time researching for it. She chose a red fox as her animal to feature.

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